Are you looking for a fresh approach to living well with pain, illness or stress? Transform your experience with a Mindfulness Course.
These mindfulness Courses are secular, evidence-based, life-changing opportunities for people living with pain, stress and illness to improve their health and wellbeing.
Most courses have around 10-15 participants who meet every week for eight weeks (two or two-and-a-half hours per session including a break). The sessions include guided mindfulness practices, teaching, discussions and workshops. Every week we ask you to do your best to complete daily home practice as this will help you to embed mindfulness into the fabric of your daily lives. We aim to create a supportive environment where you can explore and share your experiences building connections with like-minded people – often a real added benefit of the course.
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Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Do you find yourself over-thinking and dwelling on the past and future? Do you find it difficult to switch off? Do you suffer from stress or anxiety? Come learn new skills to help you deal with life’s challenges. The eight-week MBSR course is an intensive skills-based learning programme, including a combination of meditation practices and cognitive exercises that show the links between thinking and feeling and how we can look after ourselves. The next course will be led by Parveen Poonia, a qualified and experienced mindfulness trainer with an MSc in Teaching Mindfulness from Bangor University. You can read more about the course on the Birmingham Mindfulness website. Sorry there are no upcoming courses planned.

Breathworks Mindfulness for Health
Breathworks is one of the world’s leading trainers in mindfulness and their mission is to help people living with pain, stress or illness to live happier, healthier lives by practising mindfulness and compassion. Our trainers are accredited with Breathworks as we believe in the excellence and effectiveness of their courses. To find out more about Breathworks click here.
During the course you will be encouraged to follow the excellent input from Vidyamala Burch and Danny Penman in their best-selling book Mindfulness for Health, which won a best-book award from the British Medical Association.
The Breathworks Mindfulness for Health course is an intensive eight-week programme that offers a transformative approach to living well with pain, illness and stress. In fact, whatever your circumstances, we have found the course to be beneficial for anyone who wants to live more mindfully. So, whether you are new to mindfulness, or an old hand looking for a timely reminder, you are welcome to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to learn to live a more mindful and creative life. You can find more information, and details of our next course, on the Birmingham Mindfulness website.
The Birmingham Buddhist Centre also runs projects for Carers, including relaxation and stress management breaks and day events. Click here for more information.